Sondaje 6

Din ceea ce stiu pana in prezent despre UMK, daca un prieten ar dori sa studieze la o Universitate privata si mi-ar cere parerea in privinta UMK

Autor: Mihai DORIN

Editura:  Cugetarea

Cod ISSN: 1221-4876, pp. 207-214


Ignored or sent into exile for a long time, Eminescu’s political work has come back into up-to-dateness. It is no more approached from the point of view of some narrow interests or of some ideologies but as a historical record and as an expression of Eminescu’s genius. Eminescu’s political thinking has become part of the national cultural heritage, but the ideological interpretations have polluted its content as well as its meaning. This article investigates Eminescu’s personality from the point of view of his political work. In such a way, a complementary and not a contradictory perspective on the poet’s personality may stand out. Eminescu’s militancy is just another dimension of his titanic personality, similar to the density of some other distinct personalities in history. Eminescu’s conservatorism, in its turn, reveals the traditionalistic structure of his personality, his education as well as his fundamental cultural sources.