Sondaje 6

Din ceea ce stiu pana in prezent despre UMK, daca un prieten ar dori sa studieze la o Universitate privata si mi-ar cere parerea in privinta UMK



Odette Arhip[1]

Cristian Arhip**


Glottodrama is a research-program regarding the didactic dimension of teaching foreign languages through linguistic and theatrical methods. This project encompasses interdisciplinary characteristics, being an indicative example of applying Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union in Romanian institutions. Being coordinated by the Linguistic Research Laboratory of Culturiana Publishing Company, the method aims at experimenting didactic strategies involving both language and drama-teacher. It covers diverse social and cultural contexts. The students learn the foreign language through acting diverse parts from different classical or original theatrical texts. Their performances are filmed and recorded. Watching the didactic materials, they can improve their verbal and non-verbal communication. Many aspects of disciplines analyzing non-verbal communication are implied allowing to the students to perceive life and culture of different civilizations in which they enter linguistically and theatrically. The present paper deals with the meta-referential aspects. The meta-referential approach involves a move from a first cognitive or communicative level to a superior one at which the referents become self-reflexively signs or even meta-signs. This human capacity to watch, see, act and, verbally and mentally, interpret itself is a defining one for the essence of a human being. Meta-reference may be read in two opposite ways: a hyperbole of creative teaching-methods and a staging of real life. A divided self is exposed in different milieux showing social, physical details which are different of its own. Diverse portraits and social or cultural contexts intermingle with the inner openings and the specific features of various civilizations via drama devices.

Keywords: learning, creative teaching, media, drama, culture, meta-reference

pp 43-50 <<download>>

[1] Odette Arhip, Ph.D., is Professor at the Ecological University of Bucharest and at “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania

** Cristian Arhip, Ph.D., is Lecturer at the Ecological University of Bucharest and at “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania

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Mise à jour le Mardi, 03 Mars 2015 14:12