Sondaje 6

Din ceea ce stiu pana in prezent despre UMK, daca un prieten ar dori sa studieze la o Universitate privata si mi-ar cere parerea in privinta UMK

Autor:Dana BARAN, Traian BARAN

Editura:  Cugetarea

Cod ISSN: 973-0-00404-8, pp. 230-237


Temporal and spatial periodic variability of information leads to the generation of living structures along with infinitesimally changeable, „error and trial” pathways. Dissipative nonequilibrium biosystems as well as elementary catastrophes and structural stability are tackled in the light of Pricogine’s concepts and Thom’s theories, respectively.

Biological morphogenatic fields results worth reconsidering together with Einstein’s previous ides concerning the influences of the field on the geometrical behavior of bodies. Modern mathematics accomplishes this approach to matter’s becoming, to its potentialities and actuations and the specificity of its trasformation between continuity and discontinuity, resorting to fractals, too. Reversibility or irreversibility of life phenomenons, biophysical-biochemical sensitivity of „sensible”, „intelligent” atomic and molecular biological cevtorial fields seem to follow some spatio-temporal more or less cyclis development patterns which have to be particularized for different situational categories.

Information, rhythm and quantification render living organism above all extremely sophisticated biological timekeepers or, according to a metaphor that endeavor to outline genic expression large biorythmic biodiversity, a clock shop or even a clock museum. This quantal Word – Number – Vibraton – Resonance - Logic – Life assembly yelds a permanent extra-and-intrapolation bridge towards the macrocosmic sphere the human being has always attempted to know, understand, master and use.