Sondaje 6

Din ceea ce stiu pana in prezent despre UMK, daca un prieten ar dori sa studieze la o Universitate privata si mi-ar cere parerea in privinta UMK
Buletinul stiintific nr. 20 / 2011


Autor:  Universitatea "Mihail Kogalniceanu" din Iasi

Anul: 20, Volumul 20

Editura: Cugetarea, 2011

ISSN 1221-4876

Colectivul de redactie :

Redactor sef

dr. Genoveva VRABIE - profesor, Rector al Universitatii "Mihail Kogalniceanu" din Iasi

Redactor adjunct

dr. Lucian Dumitru Dirdala - lector, Universitatea "Mihail Kogalniceanu" din Iasi

Secretar general de redactie : Monica Darie

Membri - International Advisory Board:

Dr. ALEXANDRU ZUB – Profesor, A.D. Institutul de Istorie diin Iasi, Membu al Academiei Romane

Dr. DIDIER MAUS – Profesor, Universitatea Paris I, Presedinte al Asociatiei Internationale de Drept

Dr. FRANCISCO FERNÁNDEZ SEGADO – Profesor, Universitatea Complutense, Madrid

Dr. PHILIPPE CLARET – Profesor, Universitatea Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV

Dr. VASILE PĂVĂLEANU – Profesor, Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava

Dr. ELENA-SIMINA TĂNĂSESCU – Profesor, Universitatea din Bucuresti

Dr. DANA APOSTOL-TOFAN – Profesor, Universitatea din Bucuresti

Dr. CRISTIAN SANDACHE – Conferentiar, Universitatea “Mihail Kogalniceanu”, Iasi

Dr. ANETA LUCA – Lector, Universitatea “Mihail Kogălniceanu”, Iasi

Adresa redactiei: Str. Balusescu nr. 2, Iasi, cod 700309

Editorial adress: No. 2, Balusescu Street, 700309, Iasi, Romania

Editura Cugetarea : No. 2, Balusescu Street, 700309, Iasi

ISSN 1221-4876

Statement of copyright:      all rights reserved, no article should be published before elsewhere, all articles are original.

Pretul abonamentului : 20 lei

Filtrer par titres     Affichage # 
# Titre de l'article
1 The Europeanization of Romanian Constitutional Law Following the Accession to the European Union
2 The guiding constitution and the crisis in the Theory of the Constitution
3 Human Rights in the Era of Globalization
4 The Inheritance of Knez Lazar - The Serbians on Themselves and on Kosovo –
5 The opposition of the mark of gender in the French meta-legal language
6 The End of the Ceausescu Regime - a Theoretical Convergence
7 Some Considerations on the Legislative Proposal Concerning the Official Name to be used in Order to designate the Roma Ethnic Community
8 Paternity in the Legislative Vision of the New Romanian Civil Code
9 A Postmodern Perspective in Analyzing Socio-Legal Phenomena
10 Factors to be taken into Consideration by the Jurisprudence in the Analysis of the Superior Interest of the Child, according to the Rules of the New Romanian Civil Code
11 The Role of the National Parliaments in the European Union Today in the Light of Multilevel Constitutionalism
12 The Contributions of the Orthodox Clergy belonging to the Suffragan Bishoprics of Moldavian Metropolitan Church to support the Struggle for National Independence
13 Advertising Speech. Iconic Rhetoric
14 Journalistic Style and Political Language in Romanian
15 A Design for the Evaluation in Public Administration
16 Iasi – an Ecological City
17 Nicolae Titulescu – Professor at the University of Iasi