Sorin Cristian Semeniuc[1]
Abstract In royalist France, one had to be Catholic in order to have city rights. Today, to claim the throne of the democratic city, one has to be telegenic. Regis Debray's analogy reaffirms the close connection between the field of politics and that of journalism, which materialize mainly through language. Moreover, both fields are similar by the attempt to trick reality, either to prove the existence of a reaction, even if irrational, to any event and to stop the doubts regarding the politician's incompetence, or due to the pressure of the market or of sensational news, in the mass-media.
Keywords: style, journalistic language, political language, features [1] Mr. Sorin Cristian Semeniuc is a PhD student at „Al.I.Cuza”University in Iasi, Romania |
Mise à jour le Mercredi, 07 Septembre 2011 08:53 |
Journalistic Style and Political Language in Romanian |