Sondaje 6

Din ceea ce stiu pana in prezent despre UMK, daca un prieten ar dori sa studieze la o Universitate privata si mi-ar cere parerea in privinta UMK

Autor: Aneta LUCA

Editura:  Cugetarea

Cod ISSN: 1221-4876, pp. 136-142


By its juridical nature saisine is an institution about the possession of inheritance, that is an active and a passive exercise of all the actions that involve patrimony in legal conflicts in which the deceased could figure.

Having an increased restrictive character, the legal norm concerning the saisine is not in concordance with the norms and the principles of inheritance, with the reason of being o this legal institution.

It is a narrow body for being able to cover the practical needs to preserve and administer an inheritance and to protect the legal interests of the hairess or heir. That is why a future norm should establish a correlation between the heirs that have the right to saisine and the ones that don’t have this right.